Sunday, January 11, 2009

new jelena news pics

Back on August 28, 2007, I mentioned that Roberta Flack, who was one of "nearly two dozen other pioneering black women" (ESPN) honoring Althea Gibson on the fiftieth anniversary of Ms. Gibson's US nationals title, is one of my favorite singers. Just before Christmas, I passed a nice little covey hole in the lower end of downtown Houston I frequented regularly a while ago. Despite the fact that now it is next to a deeper ditch where important city negroes eat, I stopped to look in. It was still nice. Wine coolers were not bottled for consumers then, and theirs were delicious. In fact, the place is a Mexican restaurant now, but at least it is open again after . . . decades . . . of closure.

But what drew me to that place then- I always went alone and always sat alone- was one tune on their box I could find nowhere else: "Trade Winds" by Roberta. Then I was more considerate, and I played it only intermittently (now I'd dropped a role of quarters in and could care less.)

But after just popping my head into the place a couple of weeks ago, I felt a strong compunction to try a search again, for the grazillioneth time. I got home, the impetus was still there, so I started typing: T-r-a-d-e and the search engine clue beneath showed "Tradewind". I had always entered it as two words, so when I saw that I immediately clicked it, and voila! Not only, but searching on showed that there might be Roberta (that's albums (note plural)) I may not have heard. Albums. (Okay, their cds now.)

I've been really calm. It's been 10 days, and I'll go Monday and check at the post office. I'll start with these three, then dig through my . . . albums . . . to check on the others I saw.

This has happened before: I have an obsession to bring the works of Talcott Parsons into the practical. I spent of all of January 1, 2000, and days after searching: nothing. Three years later, I tried again, and I now have an extensive Talcott Parsons collection. (I have finally stopped beating myself over the head at learning, after his death, that he was at Berkeley when I was there. My escape was the graduate social science library, and he was there. Just two questions, three tops!)

Hey, does it get better.

New Jelena news pics. She lost to former world number one Amelie Mauresmo in a tough one 7-6 (11-9) 7-6 (7-5) in the first round of Brisbane on January 5th.

We Dokic fans are a stalwart bunch.

Photo sources: (both) Yahoo! News\AP Photo\Steve Holland

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